Table Host

Table Host

Thank you for considering being a table host at the Love INC Banquet!  Your involvement will help ensure that we raise the needed funds to continue impacting people for Christ.

As a table host you will be responsible for a few simple items:

  1. Answer any questions (to the best of your ability) that guests might have about the ministry of Love INC.
  2. Share how the Love INC ministry has been of benefit to you or someone you know.
  3. Distribute offering envelopes.
  4. In general, make sure that everyone at your table has the best time of their life :-)

There are 8 seats at a table. We ask that you do your best to fill the entire table that you will be hosting.  We are not asking that you purchase all the tickets and give them away, although you may do so if you wish.  We propose that you have tickets purchased by those who plan on attending the banquet. If you commit to being a table host you will be able to apply a discount coupon code for 2 FREE Tickets. Email for your coupon code.

If someone cannot attend but wishes to make a donation, simply collect their contribution, and denote their name and address on the Pre-Sale Log.  We will gladly send them a thank you note, along with a tax-deductible receipt.

Please report number of tickets sold and any donations 3 weeks before the Banquet by email: or phone 916-383-3999.