Suddenly Single Father

Suddenly Single Father

William P suddenly became a single father of his 7 month old son without any advance notice. He was unprepared to purchase everything he would need to adequately care for his son, and was praying for help. He began to call around to various agencies, and was directed to Love INC Sacramento, where an intake volunteer was able to take his request.

We supplied an immediate need for food and… diapers, as well as baby bottles, blankets and a few clothes, but William had just moved into a new apartment and literally had nothing in it. While he and the baby were both sleeping on the floor, his concern was for his son. William wanted something for the baby to sleep and play in, that was both clean and safe.

We quickly called William and scheduled the delivery of the nearly new cherry wood crib with matching dinosaur themed crib sheet and blanket sets, as well as a couch, kitchen table and chairs! William told Love INC that he had been very depressed, but now, he says, “Our apartment looks like a home. My son is so happy and he loves playing and sleeping in his crib. I thank God for Love INC and really can’t say thank you enough!”