- Dates: Tuesday Evenings, February 11 thru April 29
- Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- Location: Common Ground Church, 8355 Arroyo Vista Dr, Sacramento, CA 95823
- Each 12 week class will begin with a free meal. Childcare will be available for children 12 and under
- Select class name to register
Atomic Habits
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving–every day. James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. This class uses the Workbook: Atomic Habits by Jimmy Spears is based on James Clear’s book.
Learn how to:
- make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy)
- overcome a lack of motivation and willpower
- design your environment to make success easier
- get back on track when you fall off course
…and much more.
Affirming Potential
Discover YOUR God-given worth and potential by evaluating the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual areas of life. Through class teaching, group discussions, and personal reflection, participants will learn to accept their past, better understand the present, and prepare themselves to embrace their future. It builds on the foundation that God has created us with intrinsic worth and unique potential.
Topics include
- Community – sharing our journey with others
- Physical Needs – our stuff and needs do not define us
- Emotions – taking control rather than out of control
- Relationships – how they influence our lives
- Spirituality – what or who determines truth for us
- Dreaming – an important component in moving forward
- Life Purpose Statement – helps us define our legacy
- Setting goals and actions steps – to set and execute our plan
Participants learn how to use the AP Dream Tool, which helps individuals set and achieve goals and steps to live out their God-given potential.
Faith & Finances
Is different from many other financial education programs. It’s not about helping participants achieve wealth or material success. Rather, it aims to empower participants to experience restoration in their finances and in their relationships. A financial education ministry that empowers low-income people with practical money management skills, biblical stewardship principles, and supportive relationships.
Topics include
- How money affects our relationships
- How values and attitudes shape money habits
- How to overcome financial obstacles
- How to set savings goals
- How to create a basic budget
- How to save money by living simply
- How to include joyful giving in your budget
- How to avoid debt and know your credit score
- When to borrow money in healthy ways
- How to open and use a bank account
- How to prepare for emergencies
- How to stick to new money habits
Recognize when to say yes and how to say no to take control of your life in accordance with God’s design for living. Explore how healthy boundaries give us freedom to make choices and to love and live in the right relationship with ourselves, others and God. This class uses the Boundaries materials by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend.
~ “The Boundaries class helped me in a life altering way. I learned that healthy boundaries know no limits.” (Class Participant)
Topics include
- What Are Boundaries
- Boundary Conflicts
- Developing Healthy Boundaries
Parenting with Love and Logic
The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. All of our work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called Love and Logic. Learn how to put an end to arguing, teach responsibility without losing their love, set limits without waging war, avoid power struggles, guide kids to own and solve their problems, and much more.
These are the Three Es of Love and Logic!
- Model healthy behavior is our most powerful tool
- Mistakes are priceless learning opportunities
- Showing empathy teaches empathy
Learn How to be a Patient, Inspiring Parent!
- Put an end to arguing, back talk, and begging
- Teach responsibility without losing their love
- Setting limits without waging war
- Avoid power struggles
- Guide kids to own and solve their problems
Future Classes
Work Life Class
Is a biblically integrated job and life-skills curriculum designed specifically for low-income adults through which the materially poor are assisted in developing crucial skills for flourishing in their careers and communities. Work Life covers typical jobs readiness topics like interviewing skills and understanding what employers want. But more than that, the curriculum engages participants in God’s grand story for their lives, uncovering how to live all of life, including work, in light of that story. Naming gifts, developing communication skills, healing from the past, and overcoming difficult roadblocks are all addressed in interactive, participatory ways throughout the curriculum.